Thursday, February 26, 2009

Birth Stories - Lilianna Ruby MacKinnon

That is me. It was 7:30 am on December 27th 2009. It was a day I'll never forget. We were scheduled for a C-section at 9:00 am and told to be there for 7:30 so they can have me change into a gown and lay down on a bed and wait...

Why I had to be there that early? I seriously think Doctors and Nurses really like to make you wait. It's like they're saying 'I went to school for 8 years AFTER highschool, specifically so my time would be more important than yours'. Honestly! Have you ever been late for a doctors appointment? They make you feel like you're a delinquant criminal for being 15 minutes late! Have you ever waited over an hour for your appointment? I have... It was one of those appointments where you shower before and then right after. Yep, I said it. So not only are you dreading the most uncomfortable thirty seconds of your life... You get to sit in a waiting room dreading it for an hour and a half, and then sit in ANOTHER room dreading it for 20 minutes naked..gahhh. icky.

Anyways, back to the 8:45 am. I knew that anytime now, I'd be meeting my beautfiul baby and I was giddy to say the least. Then the nurse came in and told me another woman had just had to have an emergency c-section and I would be waiting for what could be hours until I would even be prepped for surgery. I was pretty darn mad... I hadnt eaten since 11:30 pm the night before and was worried that they might starve me for days while I waited for other people to STOP HAVING BABIES, or atleast pop them out the normal way, gosh! But it wasn't long before I was wheeled into the O.R. and given a Spinal. Ouch! For those who don't know its like an epidural,which freezes you from the waist down. Except it's a one shot deal... so if you start to regain sensation they have to knock you out because there isn't a catheder to administer more drugs... uhhmm yikes.(Don't worry I had no feeling at all. Oh, except for the one where it feels like a sumo wrestler just sat on your chest and you can't breath and then you feel like you're dying and then you get nausea and you cant throw up because youre laying on youre back and have no feeling from the shoulders down....)

So, I was prepped and on the operating table... It was all going fine. It takes around 10 minutes i believe to cut through your skin, fat, muscle tissue etc. THEN, I swear on all things holy,I heard the OB/GYN say "no arms?"! ... "NO ARMS?NO FREAKIN ARMS? I saw the ultrasound and there was definitey arms. WHAT DID YOU BASTARDS DO TO MY KIDS ARMS?!?!" I didn't really say that but i did look at the nurse and then at marshall and say "did he just say 'no arms'?" They both looked at me like I was on crack, but I swear that's what he said... Anyways, She had ten fingers and ten toes and she was perfectly healthy. Weighing in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long, she was a good size for 2 weeks early.

There she is. Isn't she beautiful? She's 9 weeks now and she's amazing...

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